Shining A Spotlight On Critical Race Theory In New York High Schools
/Last summer a woman named Bari Weiss had a very public separation from the New York Times, where she had been briefly employed as a high-ranking opinion writer and editor. Weiss describes her political identity as “centrist.” Clearly, that’s not where Pravda is today; and in her writings she had a way of not going along with the radical wokist groupthink that has taken hold there these days.
Around the beginning of 2021, Weiss launched her own newsletter at the Substack site.
In her letter of resignation from the Times, Weiss described the treatment that she received as a non-conforming thinker in those precincts.
Since getting started at Substack, Weiss has quickly developed a specialty in exposing the extraordinary penetration into academia of the toxic neo-racist ideology that goes by the Orwellian name of “antiracism.” Indeed, in one of her first pieces at her new site, on January 22, after first revealing that she had voted for Biden, she asked a series of question to the new President, focusing specifically on how he would deal with Critical Race Theory. . . .