Change in New York Harbor

"Whitman very explicitly seeks to evoke the timelessness of his experience -- that he is seeing and feeling the same things that those generations before him have experienced, and that generations after him will experience . . .  So here we are about five generations or so after Whitman wrote the poem.  How much of what he experienced is still there?"

Our Meaningless Measure of Poverty

" the Census Bureau definition of "poverty," the very "poorest" people are highly unlikely to be "poor" at all in terms of material deprivation, and in fact are highly likely to be quite wealthy in the sense of ownership of valuable assets (as opposed to current income)."

Defunct Agriculture Tour

"...Joseph Schumpeter coined the term "creative destruction" and authored the line "This process of Creative Destruction is the essential fact about capitalism."  We see economic assets around us constantly being re-deployed into new uses, but rarely pause to look at them or consider the underlying processes."

The Looking Glass World Of "Climate Injustice"