The Overt Racism Of Our Left-Wing Universities, NCAA Edition

  • The competition for the greatest demonstration of “antiracist” wokism in our society is intense, what with media outlets, Hollywood, tech monopolies, teachers unions and plenty of others all vying to show the purest forms of virtue.

  • But really, nobody can top the universities. These are the places where the ideas of “systemic racism” and Critical Race Theory were hatched, and from which come the demands that all the rest of us get in line with the official “antiracist” orthodoxy.

  • Which is all you need to know to deduce that these institutions must themselves be the very worst and most overt practitioners of racism. In a post back in February titled “The Worst Racists Are The Left-Wing Academics” I quoted one elite university spokesperson after another falling all over themselves to confess their racism. (E.g., Princeton President Christopher Eisgruber, September 2020: “Racism and the damage it does to people of color nevertheless persist at Princeton. . . . Racist assumptions from the past also remain embedded in structures of the University itself.”; the President and Trustees of Dartmouth, July 2020: “We know there are no easy solutions to eradicate the oppression and racism Black and other students, faculty, and staff of color experience on our campus. . . .”).

  • And then there is the NCAA. . . .

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Texas Starts Waking Up To The Issue Of The Full Costs Of "Renewables"

  • The promoters of the climate scam have a variety of deceptions to get the gullible to accede to their socialist plans. Those deceptions range from the quite sophisticated to the completely preposterous.

  • At the sophisticated end of the scale we have what I have called The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time — the deception by which 50 and 100 year old temperature records are altered (reduced) by impenetrable computer algorithms to make it seem like global warming has been much greater than the reality.

  • At the preposterous end of the scale we have the claim that the fashionable “renewable” sources of electric power, wind and solar, are actually cheaper than fossil fuels to generate electricity.

  • I call this claim preposterous because the fundamental deception is so obvious that you would think that no one of any intelligence could possibly fall for it.

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World Report Card: The Inexorable March Toward Zero Carbon Emissions (Not!)

World Report Card:  The Inexorable March Toward Zero Carbon Emissions (Not!)
  • As we all know, the most important task currently facing the world is the elimination of carbon emissions from energy consumption in order to save the planet from the existential crisis of climate disruption.

  • The world actually got started on this task back during the 1980s and 90s, with the creation of the IPCC (1988), the issuance of the IPCC’s First (1990) and Second (1996) Assessment Reports on the climate, and the signing of the Kyoto Protocol (1997) for emissions reductions.

  • But it was only after 2000 that things really started to get serious. In 2005 the Kyoto Protocol officially took effect. It was June 2008 when Barack Obama promised (in his speech accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for President) that this would be “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."). Two years later, in 2010, Germany adopted legislation formalizing its Energiewende program to replace fossil fuels with “renewables.”

  • So by today the U.S. and Europe have been hard at work for well over a decade on the real nitty gritty of getting rid of fossil fuels and replacing them with “renewables” like wind and solar power.

  • It’s time for a Report Card on how things are going.

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Distinguishing Respect From Patronizing Condescension In Matters Of Race

  • In our current national moment, distinguishing respectful conduct or language toward others from patronizing condescension in matters of race is of great importance. You might think that making this distinction would be easy, but I suggest that in many circumstances it is not easy at all.

  • Recently, many things that have become the latest fashion in what practitioners think is heightened respect appear to me to be exactly the opposite — condescension. That can be the case even where the respect-that-is-really-condescension is demanded by the recipient. And I am not the only one noticing this phenomenon.

  • Let’s consider a few examples.

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Swiss "Climate" Referendum: More Intrusion Of Reality Into The Climate Debate

  • To my list of examples of reality intruding into the utopian dreams of climate cultists, add the results of yesterday’s referendum in Switzerland. The headline at Reuters is “Swiss reject law to help country meet Paris carbon emissions goal.”

  • It seems that the Swiss parliament, after multiple years of considering and debating various proposals, had finally passed a package of measures intended to “save the planet,” or at least to push the Swiss people into achieving a Paris agreement goal of 50% emissions reduction (from 1990 levels) by 2030.

  • As usual with these things, the entire strategy consisted of forcing the Swiss people to atone for their sins of prosperity by becoming poorer, in the form of higher prices for fossil fuels and airline tickets and forced restrictions on building heat and automobiles.

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The IRS Is A Criminal Enterprise In Service Of The Progressive Cause

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