Chinese Virus Retrospective: The Shame Of Our Public Health "Experts"
/It’s been over a year since I’ve commented on the question of whether the response to the Chinese Virus has been appropriate versus overblown. (See this post from July 6, 2020.). Now, with most of the population vaccinated, and the pandemic hopefully winding down, it’s time to take stock of where we are.
During the year and a half since the cases of Covid-19 began to emerge, we have endured seemingly interminable stay-at-home orders and recommendations, “lockdowns,” business closures, millions thrown out of work, school closures, “social distancing,” mask mandates, the cancelation of all in-person social events, concerts, theater, and on and on. And we’re not done even yet.
Just today I rode the subway in New York, where the mask mandate is still in place (although the compliance rate is finally dropping significantly). Even now, most office workers in New York have not returned to the office. The business districts remain semi-deserted, although they are beginning to awaken.
All this has come about by the edicts of our public health authorities and “experts,” who have done everything in their power to scare the bejeezus out of us.
Was all that appropriate? Absolutely not.