Google et al. Take Hypocrisy On Racism To Yet A Whole New Level
/In the field of racial “equity,” the gap between the talk of woke American corporations and their actions grows wider every time you look. Nowhere is that gap wider than at Google.
As readers here know, I was involved for decades in the efforts of a major law firm to recruit, hire and retain increasing numbers of blacks and other minorities. From that experience, I know that this is a difficult, long-term and often frustrating process. A large dose of humility is in order. No one company or institution, no matter how big, will create utopia in a day.
Well, the giant tech companies don’t do humility. After all, they started from nothing just twenty or thirty years ago, and today they are worth trillions. Obviously, their leaders are geniuses, and therefore qualified to lecture everyone else about proper woke morality and how to perfect the world by some time tomorrow afternoon. And proper woke morality of this moment focuses on “antiracism” and “diversity, equity and inclusion.”