More Confirmation Of The Infeasibility Of A Fully Wind/Solar/Storage Electricity System

  • Many recent posts on this blog have dealt with the theme of the infeasibility of a fully wind/solar/storage electricity system. Today I will deal with another study of the subject, this one from German authors Oliver Ruhnau and Staffan Qvist, titled “Storage requirements in a 100% renewable electricity system: Extreme events and inter-annual variability.” The Ruhnau/Qvist study does not have a date other than “2021,” although it appears to have come out toward the end of that year.

  • Although Ruhnau and Qvist do not say it explicitly, my conclusion from their paper is that it is a further demonstration of the complete infeasibility — indeed the complete absurdity — of attempting in the short term to replace all fossil fuel electricity generation in a modern economy with only wind, solar and storage.

  • The background of this issue is that large numbers of green activists, up to and including the current President of the United States, make regular statements indicating that they believe that fossil fuels can be eliminated from the modern economy by simply building sufficient capacity of wind and solar electricity generation. Such statements rarely consider or mention the necessity of energy storage, or the feasibility or cost of same.

  • And yet any serious consideration of the intermittency of wind and solar inevitably leads to the conclusion that without dispatchable backup (fossil fuel or nuclear) they require vast amounts of energy storage to cover the periods of intermittency. Understanding the amount of storage required, its physical characteristics, and its cost, is completely essential to answering the question of whether a fully wind/solar/storage system is feasible.

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What Our Betters Have In Mind For Us In The Era Of Fossil Fuel Suppression

  • As you undoubtedly know, back in January 2021 newly-inaugurated President Biden ordered the entire federal bureaucracy into full-battle mode in the crusade to suppress production and use of fossil fuels, aka “carbon emissions” (or maybe “climate pollution”). From Biden’s January 27, 2021 Executive Order (“Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad”):

  • It is the policy of my Administration to organize and deploy the full capacity of its agencies to combat the climate crisis to implement a Government-wide approach that reduces climate pollution in every sector of the economy. . . .

  • And thus we have every federal agency, under orders from the boss, whether or not its statutory mission has anything to do with “climate,” diligently devising schemes to outdo the other agencies in the fossil fuel suppression game

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No Amount Of Incremental Wind And Solar Power Can Ever Provide Energy Independence

  • Here’s the single most important function of this blog: Saying the things that are patently obvious but that just can’t be said these days in polite society. Yes, it’s The Emperor’s New Clothes every day here at Manhattan Contrarian.

  • With war raging in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion, there is a renewed concern in many quarters for “energy independence.” Until recently, the sophisticated countries of Europe had thought the whole idea to be passé. They built large numbers of wind turbines and solar arrays, while simultaneously banning fracking for natural gas and shuttering electricity plants that used coal and even those that used no-carbon nuclear. Suddenly, at the very worst possible time, they found themselves completely dependent on Russian gas for heat and reliable electricity.

  • In the U.S. it’s not nearly so bad (yet), but the combination of the Ukraine invasion with the Biden administration’s resumption of Obama’s war on fossil fuels has also left the U.S. vulnerable to an oil and gas price spike on world markets, whose supply side has been artificially reduced by government hostility to production of fossil fuels.

  • So what’s the answer? If you are a member in good standing in American media/academia/environmentalist/Democratic Party society, the answer is obvious: Just build more wind turbines and solar arrays until you have enough.

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A Couple Of Really "Smart" Guys Set Out To Prosecute Donald Trump

A Couple Of Really "Smart" Guys Set Out To Prosecute Donald Trump
  • From time to time on this blog I have had occasion to note the extent to which many of the seemingly “smartest” people in our society time and again fall hook, line and sinker for the most preposterous mass hysterias.

  • When it really counts, the people who have risen to the very top ranks of our social hierarchies prove to have no critical thinking capabilities whatsoever. For some entertaining reading about various self-made billionaires, former cabinet secretaries, and the like, making utter fools of themselves, you might try my posts from February 9, 2017 (“Watch Out For Rule By The ‘Smart’ — Part III”), or June 25, 2014 (“Watch Out For Rule By The ‘Smart’”). Both of those posts dealt with the topic of attempts to alter world temperatures through government taxation and spending.

  • A recent example of the phenomenon of the smart dope now comes forth from the District Attorney’s office of New York County — that is, the people here in Manhattan charged with the enforcement of the New York State criminal laws. In this instance the subject of the hysteria was the idea that Donald Trump, President of the United States, needed to be charged with some sort of violations of the New York criminal law arising out of his business dealings.

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Peak Absurdity In Energy Policy: As Prices Soar, The Biden Administration Goes Full Speed Ahead In The War On Fossil Fuels

  • Dr. Benny Peiser, Director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, and I are about to kick off our U.S. and Canada speaking tour. The first event is next Tuesday March 15 at the 3 West Club in New York, hosted by the Federalist Society. Check the side-bar at right for full details of the event and a link to register if you are able to attend.

  • When we began planning the tour a couple of months ago, energy prices had already started to spike in Europe and to a lesser degree in the U.S. But we could not have foreseen how quickly things would accelerate to peak absurdity. Add a war in Ukraine to the mix of pre-existing fossil fuel suppression in the U.S. and Europe, and we suddenly have serious shortages causing, for example, gasoline prices at the pump to soar to an average of over $4/gallon for regular in the U.S. ($6/gallon in California!).

  • Clearly, the correct approach to alleviate the immediate crisis is to call on operators of wind turbines and solar arrays to step up their production to fill the gaps.

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Wisconsin Report Reveals How Systematic Election Fraud Is Done

Wisconsin Report Reveals How Systematic Election Fraud Is Done
  • From the outset, the Democratic talking point about the 2020 presidential election has been that there is “no evidence” of widespread fraud, and that election fraud is in any event extremely rare. At the same time, Democrats have done everything in their power to obstruct and undermine any attempts to investigate whether fraud occurred, and if so how extensive it may have been. This is the kind of contradiction that strongly piques my curiosity.

  • As a prelude, let me say that I think that efforts to overturn the 2020 election are a waste of time, and that former President Trump only hurts himself with his obsession over how the election was stolen. Republicans are far better off focusing on the future. And anyway, the stunningly incompetent Biden Administration and the radical Democratic Congress are probably the best things that could have happened for the long term prospects of the conservative and libertarian movements.

  • But not wanting to re-litigate the prior election is not the same thing as not wanting investigations of credible allegations of systematic fraud. Absolutely such investigations should be done, and done thoroughly, not the least for purposes of identifying election procedures that are so vulnerable to fraudsters that they must be prohibited legislatively. The 2020 election was rife with new and risky measures in many jurisdictions, particularly to reduce limitations and controls on absentee and mail-in voting. Did these procedures open up the system to widespread fraud, or not? The citizenry deserves to know.

  • And now comes along on March 1 a major Report out of Wisconsin with the long title “Office of the Special Counsel, Second Interim Investigative Report On the Apparatus & Procedures of the Wisconsin Elections System.”

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