Don't Be So Sure That The Climate Extremists Have "Won"

Don't Be So Sure That The Climate Extremists Have "Won"
  • Undoubtedly, the question right now at the top of everyone’s mind is, When is the Manhattan Contrarian’s Energy Storage Report coming out? After all, he previously promised it for September, and then October, and here we are almost in December and we still haven’t seen it.

  • It’s a fair question. Being a blogger, I don’t have much appreciation for the formalities of the publication process. In blogging, you finish the post, do a quick proofread, press “Publish,” and there it is. With this, it has been rounds of peer review, editing, typesetting, proofreading, and so forth. However, I’m now told that the official issue date will be Thursday, December 1.

  • After the publication, I’ll have several posts expounding on parts of the Report, particularly those portions that cover topics I have not already beaten to death here on the blog. But for now I want to focus on the most important aspect of this, which is: Don’t get discouraged in thinking that the climate extremists have “won.” They have not.

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Let's Talk About Biden Corruption

  • It was back in September 2019 that there sprang into the news the story of Hunter Biden and his million-dollar-per-year gig as a board member for Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

  • Hunter’s gig began in April 2014 — shortly after his dad Joe, then sitting VP, took on the role of “point man” as to U.S. policy toward Ukraine. The gig then ran until some time in 2017 — shortly after Joe had left office.

  • It just happened that Burisma had gotten the lion’s share of Ukraine oil and gas lease deals under ousted (and Russia-aligned) President Viktor Yanukovich, and had strong reason to fear prosecution under a new Ukrainian President and chief prosecutor. In early 2016 VP Joe Biden got the new prosecutor fired, and later was caught on tape bragging about it.

  • Essentially the entire story about these events in the state media since 2019 has been the story of minimization and/or suppression of the facts and their significance.

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COP-27: A Window Into How The UN Keeps The Poor Poor

  • Even as we give thanks today for the wonderful benefits of a freedom-based political and economic system, the UN’s big annual “climate” conference, this year going by the moniker COP-27, has only recently wound up. As with most everything the UN does, there was nothing in this conference for anyone to be thankful for.

  • This year, with the activists’ beloved wind and solar energy sources manifestly failing to solve Europe’s energy crisis, there was little prospect for any major new agreements to limit CO2 emissions. And thus there was far less media coverage than of past such conferences.

  • But we should not let the event pass without noting the extent to which this conference, like most of what the UN does, evidences the alliance between elite rich-country activists and corrupt developing-country interests, all to keep the poor poor.

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President Biden Takes To The World Stage

President Biden Takes To The World Stage
  • Right after the election, President Biden departed Washington on November 10 for a big round of international meetings.

  • First, he went to Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, where he spoke on November 11 at the UN “climate” conference known as COP-27. Then it was off to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, for meetings on the 12th and 13th with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). And finally, to Bali, Indonesia, for a meeting with Xi Jinping of China on the 14th, followed by a big confab of the G20 on the 15th. Biden arrived back in Washington on the 16th.

  • In any sane world, the American President would use such a round of meetings to advance American interests, and also to extol, as a model for the world, the freedom-based economic system (often mis-named “capitalism”) that has made the U.S. the world’s wealthiest and most successful country. Indeed, when ex-President Trump traveled the world for meetings like these, some version of those were generally his main themes.

  • But now, we have a President who is a man of the Left, and it’s the opposite.

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Among The Democratic Party Nobility

  • Crypto exchange FTX has now imploded, and it’s turning out to be nothing more than your classic Ponzi scheme — cash in, cash out, and essentially no underlying business.

  • The collapse came after the leader and face of the enterprise, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), had made himself the second largest donor to the Democratic Party in the just-ended election cycle. SBF’s donations totaled some $70 million or so, apparently consisting almost entirely of money stolen from unsuspecting clients.

  • Andrew Stiles, writing at the Washington Free Beacon on November 15, has some fun with the recent revelations in a piece titled “Sam Bankman-Fried Is Not Alone: Some of History’s Greatest Monsters Were Democratic Megadonors.” The sub-head is “Disgraced crypto guru continues a storied tradition.”

  • Stiles compiles a short list of some of the greatest names among the biggest donor/crook/predators in the Democratic Party firmament: Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Ed Buck, and Bernie Madoff.

  • I have only one quibble with Stiles: Why stop there?

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Strategic Political Thinking By New York Democrats

Strategic Political Thinking By New York Democrats
  • As of tonight, a full eight days after the election, it finally looks like several sources (e.g., RealClearPolitics, New York Times) have “called” enough Congressional races to be (almost) sure that the Republicans will control the House starting in January.

  • When all the votes are finally counted (Christmas?), the margin of control is likely to be either 2 or 3 seats, and no more than 4.

  • America, you owe a deep debt of gratitude to my home state of New York.

  • Even after a Republican seat was eliminated by population loss, the Republicans picked up four seats among the remainder in New York Congressional races — as much or more than their entire incoming majority — thus going from 8 of 27 seats in the last Congress to 11 of 26 in the new Congress. In other words, America owes Republican control of Congress entirely to Republican gains in New York.

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