EPA And The Electricity Cost Crisis

  • Over in Europe, the energy cost crisis, particularly as to electricity, proceeds apace.

  • Germany, deep into its Energiewende (energy transition) that began in 2010, leads the way. Almost all coal and nuclear power plants have been closed in favor of a massive building plan for wind and solar facilities. After a decade of that, for the past couple of years, Germans have suffered consumer retail electricity prices of over 30 euro cents per kWh — close to triple average U.S. consumer rates. . . .

  • Can we here in the USA learn anything from this folly before it is too late? The answer is, if it is up to our EPA, then no.

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One Of The All Time Worst Political Liars

  • The big news in political lies at the moment comes from a guy named George Santos.

  • Santos has been newly-elected to Congress from New York’s 3rd District, a competitive seat covering parts of Queens and Nassau Counties. Although the districts got re-drawn for this election, most of Santos’s district was previously held by Democrats, Tom Suozzi and Steve Israel, for the last decade. So Santos became part of the mini-wave of Republican pickups that will lead to the takeover of Congress by a thin margin come January 3.

  • On December 19, several weeks after the election, the New York Times published a story exposing Santos as having lied extensively about his background during the campaign. . . .

  • Let’s face it — Santos’s fabrications are pretty bad. But are they really “unprecedented,” or even unusual, among the lies told by politicians to advance their careers and gain office, including among current office-holders?

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More On The Partisan Administration Of Justice In The U.S.: The Case Of Tom Barrack

More On The Partisan Administration Of Justice In The U.S.: The Case Of Tom Barrack
  • Every day it seems that more and more information comes out showing our federal law enforcement agencies — the FBI and the Department of Justice — to be partisan enforcers working on taxpayer money for the exclusive benefit of the Democratic Party.

  • In the most recent two weeks, it’s the Twitter Files, with the FBI caught red-handed pressuring the social media giant to suppress completely legal and First Amendment-protected (but disfavored) speech unfavorable to Joe Biden’s election (e.g., the Hunter Biden laptop story), or to the authoritarian dreams of our public health establishment (Covid-19).

  • And this is only the latest episode in the long-running sordid story. For large numbers of prior examples, see my posts from July 2, 2021 (“Justice In This Country Is Not Dispensed Impartially Between Democrats And Republicans”) and February 18, 2020 (“How Confident Are You That ‘Justice In This Country Is Dispensed Impartially?’). . . .

  • And now along comes a new instance that may top them all.

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Bring On The Electricity Cost Crisis!

Bring On The Electricity Cost Crisis!
  • In a post earlier this week, I celebrated the adoption by New York State of its Scoping Plan that tells us how we are going to accomplish the great transition to 70% “renewable” electricity by 2030 and zero-emissions electricity by 2040.

  • The summary is: “just build a lot of offshore wind turbines and batteries.” Unfortunately, nobody seems to have done the basic arithmetic to see whether the prospective facilities will suffice to supply enough electricity to meet demand at all times. But then, this Scoping Plan is the product of the Important People, and why do the Important People need to trouble themselves with such minutiae? After all, they have a planet to save.

  • What that prior post did not consider was the likely cost to New York consumers of trying to buy electricity in a future at times when the wind is calm, the sun is dark, and fossil fuels have been suppressed.

  • How high might the cost go when everybody has to bid at the same time for the small amounts of hydro or nuclear that may remain?

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You Must Assume That All Information Put Out By Our Government Is Corrupt

You Must Assume That All Information Put Out By Our Government Is Corrupt
  • Throughout the agencies of our federal government, an important function is to issue data and information about the state of the country.

  • These data cover a vast array of topics such as population, demographics, income and poverty, the state of the economy, the GDP, employment and unemployment, activities of foreign adversaries, weather and climate, energy production and use, and much, much more. The Congress and states use this information in making important public policy decisions, and the people use it to make decisions for their everyday lives. Not the least of those decisions is how to vote.

  • So is the information issued by the government basically honest and reliable for important decisions? Or, instead, is the output of official information cynically manipulated and corrupted by a government interested mainly in perpetuating and increasing its own power?

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On To The Great Future Of Offshore Wind Power

On To The Great Future Of Offshore Wind Power
  • Today was a big day on the way to New York’s energy future: Our “Climate Action Council” voted to approve the final “Scoping Plan,” telling us all how we are going to achieve, among other goals, 70% of statewide electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030 and a zero-emission electricity system by 2040. The press release has the headline “New York State Climate Action Council Finalizes Scoping Plan to Advance Nation-Leading Climate Law.” Here also is a link to the Scoping Plan itself.

  • Taking a look at the Scoping Plan and its Executive Summary, I find that the two biggest elements in getting to this zero-emissions electricity system are supposedly going to be offshore wind turbines and energy storage. I’ve covered the energy storage issues extensively here.

  • But how about this offshore wind thing? Surely, to commit New York to transitioning to using offshore wind as the primary source of electricity only seven years from now, they must have a very solid game plan for how it is going to happen.

  • Actually, as with everything else here, they have no idea.

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