At The New York Krazy Klimate Konference

At The New York Krazy Klimate Konference
  • On Thursday (November 16) a publication called City & State (specializing in covering New York state and local government) put on a conference they called the “2023 Clean Energy in New York Summit: New York’s Path to Sustainability.” Let’s call this the New York Krazy Klimate Konference.

  • I showed up to observe and report on the festivities, along with another prominent skeptic, Roger Caiazza of the Pragmatic Environmentalist of New York blog.

  • The Krazy Klimate Konference featured a gaggle of high-ranking New York bureaucrats and legislators, there to report on New York’s exciting progress toward Net Zero nirvana; plus an even larger gaggle of grifters and parasites looking to cash in on the big piles of government loot sure to get passed out along the way.

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Peak Cognitive Dissonance For The Climate Scare

Peak Cognitive Dissonance For The Climate Scare
  • In the realm of the climate scare, the cognitive dissonance has reached almost impossible levels.

  • Just a few days ago I took note of ever increasing focus by environmental NGOs on promoting the climate scare even as the green energy schemes, offered as salvation from the apocalypse, experience soaring costs and pervasive financial collapse.

  • But those are just a couple of pieces of the crazy mess. Everywhere you look, our overlords are doubling down on end-of-days climate propaganda while reality just refuses to cooperate. We have truly reached peak absurdity.

  • In the category of the overlords doubling down on climate propaganda, you can’t top the new Fifth National Climate Assessment just out (November 14) from from something called the U.S. Global Change Research Program.

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Pervasive Government Surveillance To Achieve Human Perfection: Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs

Pervasive Government Surveillance To Achieve Human Perfection:  Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
  • In the ongoing project to achieve human perfection through government action, pervasive surveillance of the population plays a growing role.

  • After all, if the government can monitor everything you do all the time, then utopia will be just around the corner. The always-observing benevolent bureaucrats will be sure to make committing a crime completely unthinkable. The same goes for not paying your bills on time, or being mean to your wife — or criticizing those in power.

  • Thankfully we don’t have anything like that — not! In fact we have multiple nascent and growing pieces of such a system. Mostly those pieces are being developed quietly and out of sight, without disclosure of what is occurring, so that it’s impossible for you to know exactly how much of your activities are being observed for later use against you. Big examples include government data collection on financial transactions (except those done with cash!) and the increasing data collection from automobiles.

  • There is one very big area of data collection on the population where quite a bit of information is available, both as to the data collected and the efficacy of the data collection effort in achieving the stated objective. That area is prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs).

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As The Transition To Green Energy Crumbles, Funding For The Climate Scare Soars

As The Transition To Green Energy Crumbles, Funding For The Climate Scare Soars
  • You have likely seen over the course of just the past few months that the supposed green energy transition — widely hyped and massively subsidized for two decades — has suddenly started to crumble on multiple fronts.

  • We are rapidly approaching the green energy wall.

  • And yet at the same time, the promoters of the climate scare are not backing down. Not in the least. To the contrary, the New York Times reports just today that the major environmental NGOs are in a process of cutting their funding for their most basic programs, like dealing with toxic chemicals, in order to double down and focus even more on the one big issue — climate change.

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Can Anyone Give An Example Of A Muslim Country Treating Members Of Another Religion Appropriately?

  • On and after October 7 the world has been treated to images of Hamas terrorists engaging in the most horrific acts against Israeli civilians, including even elderly people and babies. Surely all civilized people would react to these crimes with revulsion and outrage?

  • To the contrary, the last several weeks have seen massive pro-Hamas demonstrations around the world, including on campuses of elite universities and in major cities like London, Paris, Washington, D.C., and New York.

  • Here in the U.S. we have a well-established constitutional order of freedom of religion. People practice dozens of different religions, and members of one religion, and also the government, do not prevent or restrict the practice of other religions by other people. That was not an easy order to establish, but we have established it (at least for now), and it enables people who have come from all over the world and from many different religions to live among each other in peace.

  • The Muslim countries have no such principles. As far as I can determine, the record of Muslim countries with regard to treatment of members of other religions is universally abysmal, in every case far worse than anything Israel can possibly be accused of.

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Another Instance Of Our Non-political Expert Regulators In Action

  • In the Progressive utopia championed by Woodrow Wilson and his successors, government will iron out the imperfections in human affairs through the use of regulatory agencies run by non-political experts. Such people, being experts and completely non-political, would pose no reason for concern about abuse of power, because of course they would never seek go outside their proper regulatory portfolio to use their authority to stamp out the freedoms and speech of their political opponents on important topics of the day.

  • In the real world government regulators since the creation of their agencies have inevitably used their powers to disadvantage and silence political opposition. The last few years have seen this phenomenon taken to new levels of blatancy and aggressiveness.

  • Today comes news that another case raising similar issues has just been accepted by the Supreme Court.

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