The Zero Emissions Grid Demonstration Project Follies

The Zero Emissions Grid Demonstration Project Follies
  • I claim credit for being the first person to demand a demonstration project to show how a zero emissions electrical grid is supposed to work, before trying to build such a thing for our entire population of three hundred million as involuntary guinea pigs.

  • How could it be that lots of others haven’t been demanding this for years? It’s like everyone has lost their minds.

  • Before climate hysteria set in, the idea of attempting an engineering project as enormous as a zero emissions electrical grid for the United States, or even for one state, without first having a functioning demonstration project, would have been completely unthinkable. But under the powerful sway of the fear of climate armageddon, the need for a demonstration project to prove feasibility never seems to occur to anybody. And thus trillions of dollars are getting spent — wasted — on facilities that anyone with a brain can easily see will never come close to providing a zero emissions grid — although they will greatly drive up the cost of electricity to consumers.

  • Let me then welcome an important new voice to the still tiny chorus of those demanding a demonstration project. The new voice is Congresswoman Harriet Hageman of Wyoming.

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Maduro Hangs On In Venezuela

  • As the saying goes, Socialists: You can vote them in, but you have to shoot them out. We’re watching an extreme example of that saying play out right now in Venezuela.

  • The U.S. press seems remarkably uninterested in events in Venezuela following its presidential election held July 28. Likely that’s because those events show just how much a determined election fixer can get away with when he controls all the levers of power in a country and is in a position to block and stymie any investigation into election fraud.

  • There are clear lessons from that for the upcoming U.S. election, lessons that the press would prefer not be learned.

  • First, a review of where we are.

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Weighing N.Y.'s Climate Statute

  • The headline of this post is the same headline as appears in today’s New York Daily News as a big banner spanning pages 26 and 27 of the print edition, which are the main op-ed pages. Those two pages then contain two op-eds taking opposite positions on the future of New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act of 2019, which the Daily News refers to as the “Climate Statute.”

  • The column on page 26 is by Emily Gallagher and Kim Fraczek, with the headline “Getting to affordable, clean energy solutions.” On page 27 the headline is “We have to rethink the state’s climate act”; the by-line is Jane Menton.

  • Both pieces are behind the Daily News’s paywall, although it appears that you can get through it by paying them $1 for an introductory subscription. In my case, when I found out that Jane’s piece was running I went out and splurged $3.50 for the print version.

  • Comparison of the two pieces will provide a look into the quality of the debate going on in New York over the supposed energy transition.

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The Energy Transition Ain't Happening: "Green" Economy In Retreat

  • As mentioned in my recent post from July 20, there are many data points gradually accumulating as to the lack of progress toward the so-called “green” economy.

  • It has long been clear to people who think about it that the energy transition to “net zero” is a fantasy that will not occur.

  • But the question remains of exactly how the mania will come to an end. Will the net zero fantasies of the climate cultists proceed at full speed until they crash into a wall of physical reality (e.g., blackouts)? Or instead will these fantasies gradually retreat as governments respond to voter pressure over costs and convenience, and as investors pull back as it becomes clear that projects cannot succeed financially?

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Settler Colonialists In Israel And The United States

  • Of all the epithets of the left that don’t make any sense, the term “settler colonialist” is one of my favorites.

  • We live in a world where the ability of people to relocate, even to places thousands of miles distant, has increased greatly over time. These days, many millions of people per year pick up and relocate, or try to relocate, from one country to another.

  • By far the biggest mass migrations going on currently are into the U.S. and into Europe from various poorer countries. This November 2023 piece from NPR puts the number of “migrants” crossing the U.S. Southern border illegally in 2023 at about 2.4 million. That would be in addition to about 1 million legal immigrants to the U.S. each year. The European Commission at this site from April 2024 gives a figure of 42.4 million people living in the EU who were not born there, about 9% of the population. That would suggest something like 1 million or so new arrivals per year.

  • So are all these people “settler colonialists”?

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How Will New York's Energy Madness End? The "Don't Do It!" Report

  • I frequently write about how the mandates for energy transition that New York has adopted are impossible and irreconcilable in the real world; and therefore it is inevitable that they will have to be abandoned at some point when implementation of the project runs up against physical reality.

  • Probably the most frequent question that I get asked is, OK, how and when will that occur?

  • The question is important because for as long as the impossible mandates remain in place they are causing massive ongoing damage to our electricity system and to consumers.

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