California And New York: Do Not Back Off Your World-Beating Green Energy Schemes!

  • Today the Manhattan Contrarian formally calls upon the states of California and New York: Whatever you do, do not back down from your crash program of green energy schemes!

  • The full text of the Manhattan Contrarian official announcement follows:

  • California and New York: It is critical to mankind that you pursue the full extent of your green energy schemes to conclusion as soon as possible and at all costs. If you really believe, as you proclaim, that all-renewable energy is a moral necessity to save the planet from the existential crisis of climate change; if you really believe that energy derived from fossil fuels is dangerous and polluting and is causing dangerous climate change; if you really believe that renewable energy is now less expensive than fossil fuel energy; if you really believe that an all-renewable energy system can actually work to power a modern economy; and if you really believe that all that is needed to get to an all-renewable future is to build enough solar and wind generators to do the job — then you absolutely must see this project through to conclusion and without delay.

  • Now is not the time to go wobbly. You owe it to the world to show everyone how this can be done. This is your moral duty.

  • The context of this plea is that, of the four jurisdictions in the world that are the leaders in the push to 100% green energy — California, New York, the UK, and Germany — two of them — the UK and Germany — are giving strong signals that they are ready to cry “Uncle!” and back off on the plans.

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Another Round Of Rolling Blackouts In California

Another Round Of Rolling Blackouts In California
  • This summer has seen repeated warnings in California that another round of rolling blackouts could be coming. (The last such round was in August 2020.). Somehow, before today, several close calls have been averted. But today, California’s luck seems to have run out. Even as I’m writing this post, California’s main utility PG&E has put some 525,000 customers on notice that rolling blackouts could be imposed this evening as the sun sets and power from solar arrays konks out.

  • Temperatures in California, particularly in the Bay Area, are indeed running unusually hot, although in most cases not all-time records.

  • You won’t be surprised to learn that one mainstream press source after another attributes the power shortage and resulting blackouts to “climate change.”

  • But the funny thing is, as hot as the temperatures are, they are no hotter than temperatures experienced this year — and indeed every year — in other states like Arizona and Texas. And yet those states are not having rolling blackouts caused by inadequate electricity on the grid.

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Update On Europe's Self-Inflicted Energy Crisis

Update On Europe's Self-Inflicted Energy Crisis
  • The Europeans thought they had come up with the perfect strategy to “decarbonize” their energy systems and save the planet.

  • Just build more and more wind turbines and solar panels, until you had plenty of electricity from those sources to power everything. Gradually close down the coal, natural gas and nuclear facilities along the way. And simultaneously suppress any and all domestic production of fossil fuels, because after all, soon we will not be needing those things any more.

  • As far as I can tell, nobody ever took even a moment to do the basic arithmetical calculations to figure out how much backup (from what?) or energy storage it would take to get through a year with a system powered principally by the wind and sun. Hey, we’re in a “climate emergency”! Such questions have been ruled out of bounds, not to mention morally reprehensible.

  • Let’s take a look at some of the latest developments.

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Surprise! The Biden Administration And Deep State Are Behind Massive Systematic Suppression Of Disfavored Speech On Social Media

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Buzzfeed Readers Still Don’t See The Invisible Costs of “Free Money”

  • President Biden’s plan to forgive $10K in student loans quickly became the biggest news of the last few weeks. Indeed, in what should be a sea of ugly news for Biden (Mar-a-Lago, anyone?), he’s clearly hoping debt forgiveness is his golden ticket.

  • Conservative and libertarian pundits have already covered many of the important reasons why the President “forgiving” or “canceling” debt is a terrible, not to mention unconstitutional, idea.

  • Meanwhile, I decided to have a little fun (or make myself a little enraged) by looking up the Buzzfeed twitter roundup on the subject to see what the youths are saying

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You Can't Give The FBI The Benefit Of The Doubt On Anything

  • The FBI — They’re the nation’s premier law enforcement agency.

  • We rely on them to protect us from every sort of crook and bad guy, not to mention international terrorists. When they’re investigating something important, it’s understandable that they can’t disclose to the public what they’re up to. That would give away the game, and give the bad guys the chance to escape.

  • So we need to trust them, to let them operate mostly in secrecy, and just give them the benefit of the doubt that they are doing the right thing.

  • Boy, has that narrative gotten blown to smithereens over the past few years.

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