If a Person Can Be Trans-Gender, Why Not Trans-Race?

  • On June 28, Not the Bee shared this article about Oli London. London is a white British person who announced coming out as gender non-binary (using the pronoun: “they”) and also as “trans-Korean.”

  • London made this announcement after undergoing 18 plastic surgeries to physically alter their face to look Korean. The physical appearance, with the aid of modern medicine, had been altered to reflect their true underlying identity.

  • The reckoning has arrived: For years we’ve been saying that if you feel like you were “born in the wrong body” then there are medical and surgical solutions to help you “become” who you are supposed to be.

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Speaking Of Religious Mass Hysteria, How About The Campaign Against Fossil Fuels?

  • In her most recent post, Jane observed the substantial resemblance between the current wave of “gender dysphoria,” and various religious mass hysterias throughout history, notably to some during the medieval period. Yet as much as it may be widely discussed and prominently featured in the media in recent years, gender dysphoria still affects only a relatively small number of people.

  • But how about the campaign against fossil fuels? That also bears great resemblance to religious mass hysteria.

  • We have the tale of grave sin and the possibility for redemption. We have the priestly caste — politicians of the Democratic Party — that has been anointed to instruct us and lead us into the path of salvation. We have the expulsion of all heretics from the seats of the religion in academia. We have the holy people sermonizing about their own saintliness and our sin. (Greta Thunberg and Bill McKibben come to mind.).

  • By contrast to transgenderism, this fossil fuel hysteria affects us all.

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